
Exploring Norway’s Lofoten Islands

Exploring Norway’s Lofoten Islands

Towering jagged peaks rise like formidable granite columns, overlooking a pristine white sandy beach that seems at first to fade into low lying clouds further beyond the shoreline and the incoming receding waves. The Lofoten Islands of Norway have many transcending...

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A Glimpse at Gloucester

A Glimpse at Gloucester

Friends of ours had invited my wife and me to a three-night stay in Gloucester, Massachusetts. They were housesitting for an old friend whose seafront home was well-equipped and spacious enough to accommodate several guests. We accepted, and embarked on a number of...

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Budapest, Hungary Revisited

Budapest, Hungary Revisited

Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, is one of the largest and surely one of the most beautiful cities in all of Europe. Whether on your first trip or your fifth, the World Heritage Castle District draws you like a magnet to the Buda side of the Danube from which...

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Malta: Sacred to the Gods

Malta: Sacred to the Gods

In the very heart of the Mediterranean Sea  ̶  south of Sicily, north of Libya, and east of Tunisia  ̶   lie the islands of Malta. They make up a small archipelago with a 7,000-year-old history and the stunning physical evidence to prove...

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The Lure of Turin

The Lure of Turin

“The best thing about Milan is that it is on the way to Turin,” said one Torino to me. We were driving alongside the magnificent Alps that are a backdrop to Turin. This sophisticated, bustling city lies between better-known Milan and Bologna. I like its scale. It has...

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Helen: A Georgia Town With A European Flavor

Helen: A Georgia Town With A European Flavor

If you’re longing for a European vacation, but it’s not in the immediate future, why not get that taste of Europe by visiting the northeast mountains of Georgia where the tiny hamlet of Alpine Helen will quell your appetite for international travel—at least for the...

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Louisville, Kentucky: Much More Than the Derby

Louisville, Kentucky: Much More Than the Derby

When you think of Louisville, Kentucky, you probably think horses and bourbon, but the city has a great deal to offer the traveler at any time of year – not just during the Kentucky Derby. You might be surprised to learn that it’s a large metropolitan city with a long...

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Time Traveling in Cambridge, England

Time Traveling in Cambridge, England

“It’s so close to London. Come visit!” insisted my great-niece. “You can get around on foot or by bike on the cobblestones.” That sounded dandy, so off we went to Cambridge, England, a college town my niece assured us was full of history and charm. She had that right!...

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Hydra Then and Now

Hydra Then and Now

The success of two films - Boy on a Dolphin (1957) with Sophia Loren, Alan Ladd, and Clifton Webb, and Phaedra (1962) with Melina Mercouri and Anthony Perkins - catapulted Hydra from a sleepy, quiet Greek island with a notable 19th century naval history to the...

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The Berbers of Morocco

The Berbers of Morocco

Most Saharan Berbers are still living the same way they did 10 centuries ago in the Western Sahara and the Atlas Mountains. They are both a tourist attraction and an international lesson on “how to live in harmony with the land and the neighbors Allah gave you.” The...

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Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is a Magical Place

Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is a Magical Place

The day I had to leave Rapa Nui, I teared up. I so wanted more time there. While the island is part of the country of Chile, it’s actually in Polynesia and is similar to Hawaii in that it’s tropical, very green, and filled with volcanos. Read also about the resort...

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Photo Essay: The Andes of Ecuador

Photo Essay: The Andes of Ecuador

I did the "trifecta" in Ecuador, visiting the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon, and the Andes. It was my second time in the Andes region (the first time was about 13 years before), and it didn’t disappoint. As you can see, the bird life in particular is special in the...

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A Guide to Turks & Caicos

A Guide to Turks & Caicos

Turks & Caicos Islands (TCI) is considered one of the world’s premier beach destinations, prized for its exquisite sandy beaches, new hotels, all-inclusive resorts, and luxury rental villas. But its history was far less glamorous. The first European visitor there...

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Photo Essay: The Ancient Wonder of Jordan

Photo Essay: The Ancient Wonder of Jordan

In only a few days, I covered a lot of terrain in Jordan. I was able to see several historical sites. Petra isn’t all there is to see by a long shot! It’s a stunning country with friendly people who are deeply saddened by the turmoil happening in the countries that...

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Visiting Beijing in Winter

Visiting Beijing in Winter

January may be an odd time to visit Beijing because it’s very cold and dry, but the plus side is that the crowds are seriously reduced from the warmer months, when I’m told you can barely walk at the most popular sites. Since crowds are not my thing, I was happy to...

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Singapore: An “Asia Lite” Experience

Singapore: An “Asia Lite” Experience

If you’ve never been to Asia, Singapore is a great introduction to the continent. I think of it as “Asia Lite.” Yes, you’re in Asia, but English is universally spoken and written on signs. Some Asian cities have given me a bad case of culture shock, so there’s a lot...

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The Luminous Light of Arles, France

The Luminous Light of Arles, France

If you are a lover of art or history, then Arles in South France is definitely a place that should be visited. We recently did, as part of our latest Viking River cruise aboard the Heimdal River Cruise, and Arles was one of the significant Southern French cities we...

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Antarctica Adventure

Antarctica Adventure

The visit to Cape Horn, although physically demanding, was doable and exhilarating, and The Drake (waterway that leads to Antarctica) was unusually gentle with us, which gave us false hope that it would be smooth sailing ahead. Never underestimate the gods of wind and...

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Even When Alabama Isn’t Home, It’s Sweet

Even When Alabama Isn’t Home, It’s Sweet

When I told friends I was planning to tour Alabama, some of them said, “Really? Why?” The belief that the state has little to offer the traveler could not be further from the truth. I found out what the song, “Sweet Home Alabama,” really means. Besides music history...

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Is Nara, Japan Worth a Visit?

Is Nara, Japan Worth a Visit?

Nara, Japan is one of the most popular day trips from Kyoto. Should you bother? In my opinion, yes! Nara is mostly famous for two things – wild deer and a large Buddha. The deer are both fun and an annoyance. They’re everywhere, and they expect you to feed them....

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Berlin – A City with Everything

Berlin – A City with Everything

Berlin is a city with a rich history, some of it truly horrific, of course, but it’s also a city of modernity, culture, and energy. It has more than 175 museums, seven symphony orchestras, and three opera houses, besides a vibrant nightlife. My personal favorite...

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A Week on the Secret Coast of Scotland

A Week on the Secret Coast of Scotland

From Glasgow we headed west, first by train to Gourock, then by ferry to Dunoon the main town on the Cowal peninsula in the Argyll region. Walking along the shore in search of the Selborne Hotel, where we would stay for the night, we sighted the Victorian pier, a...

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Visiting Athens and Rhodes Greece

Visiting Athens and Rhodes Greece

We’re on the road again. This time I’m in Athens, our Managing Editor’s city of origin, and my Greek is limited to “kalimera” (Good Morning) which for the first few days I mistakenly pronounce “kalamari” (Squid) – hence the hotel receptionist’s confusion at calling...

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Bustling Geneva Switzerland

Bustling Geneva Switzerland

Geneva is a major European cosmopolitan city and is the second largest city in Switzerland located on the shores of the eponymous lake. It is the base for some of the world's largest international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, the World Trade...

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Antarctica: Land at the End of the Earth

Antarctica: Land at the End of the Earth

Well yes... we knew it was one of the coldest places on earth, and of course, there was going to be lots and lots of water that could, without a “by your leave,” turn into ice; but I wasn’t prepared for the wind! When I say wind I don’t mean the regular kind that...

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Ushuaia – The Unexpected Treasure

Ushuaia – The Unexpected Treasure

Ushuaia is just a dot on the map at the bottom of Argentina. It is the town from which we were to board our Antarctic Cruise ship Ultramarine, the latest state–of-the-art expedition ship in Quark Expeditions luxurious ship line-up. Photo by Barbara and Manos...

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Mysterious Egypt: Should You Go?

Mysterious Egypt: Should You Go?

In Egypt, the ancient meets the modern more intensely than anywhere I’ve been on the planet. Besides the temples and hieroglyphs, you’ll see cars parked next to carriages drawn by horses or donkeys. You’ll see women in jeans walking next to women in full burkas with...

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A Guide to Visiting Switzerland

A Guide to Visiting Switzerland

Switzerland is a small county tucked in between France to the West, Germany to the North, Italy in the South, and Austria to the East. Based on its geographical position adjacent to these other countries there are three official languages - plus English, that is...

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Treviso – Italy’s Hidden Gem

Treviso – Italy’s Hidden Gem

Off the beaten track in the Veneto Region of Italy is the "something for everyone" picturesque medieval town of Treviso. This ancient walled city is replete with meandering canals, waterwheels, bridges and winding streets filled with picturesque photo ops at...

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Andalucia: Crossroads of Spanish Culture

Andalucia: Crossroads of Spanish Culture

Located in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, with coasts fronting both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, lies the second largest autonomous region in Spain: Andalucía. It is best known for gifting to the world Flamenco, Bullfighting, and its own...

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Faces and Places of India

Faces and Places of India

Having been warned of the heat, the dirt, the poverty, the "strange" practices by western standards, and most of all, the crushing crowds, India had not been high on my list of luxury destinations to visit. But if you have been put off by these negative impressions...

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Thailand Travel: Grandma Elephant Takes a Swim

Thailand Travel: Grandma Elephant Takes a Swim

Koh Samui, Thailand is an island off the east coast of the long, narrow peninsula the country shares with Malaysia and Myanmar. Nestled in the warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand, Samui is a beautiful example of Thailand’s tropical allure and has much to offer the...

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Luxury at Somalisa Camp, Zimbawe

Luxury at Somalisa Camp, Zimbawe

While visiting Zimbabwe, we were lucky enough to be invited to spend one night at Somalisa Camp, located in the heart of the Hwange National Park that hosts more than 100 types of mammals and more than 400 bird species. Somalisa is called a bush camp, but it was much...

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Photo Essay: A Helicopter Ride Over Kauai

Photo Essay: A Helicopter Ride Over Kauai

If you want to get from east to west on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, you have to drive all the way around the island. There’s one single road that circles this deep green island because much of the terrain consists of mountains and canyons. So there are large...

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Cappadocia: Turkey’s Wonderland

Cappadocia: Turkey’s Wonderland

Few things are worth rising at 4:00 a.m. to see. Perhaps a full lunar eclipse or Halley’s Comet, but a hot air balloon ride over the fairy chimneys of Cappadocia also definitely qualifies!   Cappadocia is a region at the center of Asia Minor known as Turkish Anatolia...

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